Monday, January 31, 2005

"Morgan and I have a secret...we're in love. She is going to be my bride and I am going to marry her. Corinne will be our maid and cook for us."

Yes, Anna, it is really over. Nick has found a new love in library story hour.
Lucky Corinne.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

"What are you brewing there? The entire room stinks!" said from Nick to Daddy as Nick retreats from the family room.

Regarding Disney...ain't it the truth.

Nick was telling Mommy about the movie Mulan, especially the violent battle scenes.

Mommy reminds Nick: "God said 'thou shall not kill'".

Nick understands Disney: "But this is Disney! Anyone can kill!"

"She looks like she swallowed a lemon."

Nick's thoughts on Renee Zellweger, a.k.a. Bridget Jones. "Swallowed a lemon" does not sound like a compliment.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

"Don't toy with Mommy. She's not a chew toy!"

Nick lays down the law with Daddy, regarding of course, Mommy.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

"God is watching"

Sometimes Mom cannot give Corinne everything she would like, and Corinne gets quite upset.

Nick takes offense during these times of Corinne's education and growth by reminding Mother that she will be held accountable for her actions.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

"You can't upset the Nick!"

When is it that a person begins to talk about themselves in the third person? I'm thinking that that shouldn't occur before they swish a basketball through the net without touching rim. What, 10, 12 years old...

You know, "Three points for The Nick." Something like that...not when you are 4. What have we created here?

"Where's my juice?"

Mommy: "I don't know. What do I look like, God?"
Nick:" "No. You look like a pretty Mommy."

Oh brother. I give up.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Nick's Law of Blonde

"Corinne's hair is getting long. When she grows up, she is going to be a blonde."

Interesting association...he has observed that virtually every blonde grows their hair long...reversed that law inferring that all those that grow their hair long, will have their hair turn blonde. Thus, Nick has provided his little addition to all the existing Law's of Blonde

"I'll never tell you that I want you to be sent away."

Mommy: "You mean like you told me last night?"
Nick: "Right."

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Bowl

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...By clicking Nick's picture to the left, you will get a picture album . Once you open up the album by clicking Nick's picture, click a picture in the album and you will be able to start a slide show... Enjoy!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

"I want to stay home and get some fun out of daddy."

Mommy was about to prepare for an excursion to the bank. Before Mommy could arrange parent-child assingments Nick interjected with the above....

Thursday, January 06, 2005

"In God's Love."

Mommy: "Nick, I am going to miss you when you go to school today."
Nick: "I am always with you."
Mommy: "How are you always with me?"
Nick: "In God's Love."

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"Because girls need to be kissed!"

Nick is indignant when Mommy tells him that he should not be kissing Anna at school.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

"I'm going to eat the air!"

Nick came down this morning and asked Diane what the smell was in the kitchen. We had sauteed duck breast with Daddy's special shallot and red wine sauce last night and it still hung heavy in the air. When Diane told him that the smell was last night's duck, that was his response. Nick loooves duck; a close tie with lamb. Corinne ate a good lot too.