Thursday, December 15, 2005


Nick: "When I fart at school, I keep it a secret."
Mommy: "How do you keep it a secret?"
Nick: "I don't talk about it."

Monday, December 12, 2005

Wise Man takes a camel ride...

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...

Christmas Tree Harvest...Coooool!

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...

First Time in the Freezer...uh-oh!

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...

Donuts, ice cream, waffles, nuggets...mmmmm.

"We are lucky that Grandma is part of our family."

Grandma was in for a weekend of visiting and babysitting. She was the unfortunate recipient of Nick's first stomach virus, or something hurlish... He had this to share with us when we tucked him into bed last night.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Mommy, I hurled again. I have had enough of this hurling."

After the third recitation at 2:30AM, Nick relayed this to Diane in a resigned, fatigued tone.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nick's Mask Shop

If you don't see a picture here, my server is down...
Open for buisness!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

"Why are the men wearing those twinkling girl-like suits?"

Nick's world opens up to ballet via the annual "Buttcracker" with a level of curiousity that extends beyond the obvious "What is a nutcracker?"...