Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Biking with Nick


Monday, June 26, 2006

"Is she expecting a newspaper man?"

We must have been making a bit too much of Corinne using the potty...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

"I want to stay this size."

While measuring him up for a booter seat to fit him. He adds:
"You get more fun when you're not a grownup."
Told ya' he leans toward the brighter side...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

"She [Mom] is always mad at you, why are you worried?"

After I had indicated that Mom was going to be mad at me for the delay in getting lunch started...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"I guess they're trying to get people interested in that movie."

Nick has discovered the secret of Marketing To Children. Something cool, in this case, colored plastic skulls, are given away in "specially marked boxes of Kellogg's cereals" to promote the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest". As much as Nick would love to get one of these skulls he understands the motive behind this freebie.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"My heart was rotted."

Nick had a great time with the babysitter, Alyssa, but between stories and going to bed he realized that Mommy was not home to tuck him in. This is how he described how he was feeling.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

"What is dad doing?"

Mom: "He is writing down your quotes so when you get married, we can embarrass you at your wedding by reading them."

Nick: "But, you'll be an old lady and you won't remember anything."

Badda Bing!

"Sometimes I spill things...

..., sometimes my butt itches real bad and sometimes I lose the remote [to the TV]"

This confession was divulged after a spill of the gateraide at the table; not too sure how the rest of confession popped into his curly top...

Thanks Lindsay!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thanks Junie!

"I want the head of Capt. Cutler!"

"I want the head of Capt. Cutler!"
"I want the head of Capt. Cutler!"

Captain Cutler, Tar Monster, Little Stick Man B-day Cake

Captain Something or other, Tar Monster, Little Stick Man B-day Cake
Monster Cake
Boy A' Glow
Boy A' Glow
That is one happy cake decorator; all the ghosts and monsters a boy could want!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"Prepare to be winkled!"

The nightmares continued for poor Nick last night. Diane tells me that in his dream I was transmogrified into an evil Mrs. N, Nick's very kind, patient and not unattractive reading teacher. (Must have been evil in his dream because Mrs. N. sported a long stringy beard) After the transmorgification, Mrs. N looked Nick in the eye and uttered in a most threatening tone, a phrase that Nick was so shaken by he found very difficult to repeat: "Prepare to be winkled!

The next day, the absurdity of that phrase hit him and he could not utter the phrase with out falling over in hysterics.

Monday, June 12, 2006

"I want to grow up to be a superhero with a stupid name...


Midnight Deep Thoughts

After taking a gander at Mr. Zarqawi's photo on the cover of The Economist next to Diane's bed, Nick began to ask the deep questions his inquisitive mind bubbles up:

"What if I grow up to be a criminal or a bad guy?"
"If a police man drives by, how does he know whether the gun is real or a toy?"

There were more, I'll let Diane edit to add more ponderings along with perhaps her answers...

Well...after Nick shed tears realizing that he could actually become a criminal and didn't want to, we decided to discuss how he could avoid that possible outcome. We discussed options such as doing well in school, going to college and becoming something (positive) that he would like to be. After discussing the option of being a police officer, and dismissing it as having too much contact with Bad Guys, he decided that being a scientist would do. He might invent things, like cars that fly. Or, with his penchant for potions, he could become a chemist (like his Mom) and create fuel formulas for the flying cars. After that, and Mommy lying with him till he fell asleep, the subject and the anxiety was at rest for the evening.

The conversation, however did resurrect during the following evening at bath time. He asked about bin Laden, as Mom explained the previous night, that Zarqawi worked for bin Laden. Mom told him that bin Laden was hiding in a cave, so naturally Nick wanted to know how Zarqawi got his orders from bin Laden, if bin Laden was hiding in a cave and Zarqawi was elsewhere. "Cellphones and computers" was Mommy's off-the-cuff answer.

There was more criminology discussion. Mom then told him (and this idea was lifted from a story that Dad told her this morning) that he was smart and talented. People can make choices about how they can use their smarts and talent. They can use them to do good, or use them to do evil. Nick decided he wanted to use his gifts to do good.

Then Nick gave Mom an example: "The King Pin, (a morbidly obese villian in the Batman video series) uses his technology (Nick's word, not mine) to do evil."

He seemed satisfied with the discussion as he donned his glow-in-the-dark batman pajamas and talked about Nacho Libre.

Let's hope he (and his Mother) rest easy for a night or two, before tackling more "Deep Thoughts".

Nacho is a man with out skills who became a monistary cook. He cares deeply for the orphans he feeds but the food is terrible. Nacho realizes he must hatch a plan to make money to buy better food for “the young orphans, who have nothing”. When Nacho is struck by the idea to earn money as a Lucha Libre wrestler, he finds that he has a natural, raw talent for wrestling. Disguised by a sky blue mask, Nacho conceals his true identity as he takes on Mexico’s most famous wrestlers and takes on a hilarious quest to make life a little sweeter at the orphanage.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Uncle John visits for Nick's Birthday

Uncle John visits for Nick's Birthday
Uncle John visits for Nick's Birthday
Uncle John makes for peaceful company with Corinne while Nick puts on his best little terrorist face.

Nick and Spencer Birthday

Nick and Spencer Birthday
Nick and Spencer Birthday
Nick and Spencer joust for the right to be Darth for a day.

Yellow Belt from Master Kim

Yellow Belt from Master Kim
Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt from Master Kim
Nick gets his first Tae Kwon Do belt graduation form Master Kim, moving from white to yellow belt.

Making Monster Blood

Making Monster Blood
Making Monster Blood
Nick and Corinne partake in the time honored tradition of the creation of monster blood.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

"You are using us as slaves!"

Clean up time...how many times will I hear this one?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

"Corinne, after breakfast I am going to boil you."

Corinne: "No. That's not my favorite thing."

"It hurts when I do this."

...as he sticks his two index fingers into his eyeballs. Guess he had to find out sometime.