Sunday, June 26, 2005

"Leave her [Mommy] alone you pompous old newt!"

Where does he get this stuff...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Top 4 Reasons why Mommy should never go to a "spa":

#4: "They will cut your legs off."
#3: "They will shave your liver."
#2: "They will squeeze the jelly out of your eyes."
...and the #1 reason why Mommy should never go to a spa:

"They will make soup from your freshly peeled skin."

(Mommy has decided to avoid spas, at least for now.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Nick has finished listening to Daddy read his 3rd Harry Potter book.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

"I'd rather have 7 dads." [Happy Father's Day!]

N: "The Rosenberg's are lucky 'cause they have 2 kids. The Cassapini's are lonely; that's why Dane (nextdoor neighbor 6yr old) visits them. The Goosen's are really lucky 'cause they got 5 (soon to be 6) kids."

Daddy: "Would you rather have 7 brothers and sisters to play with or be able to spend time having fun with dad one-on-one? I wouldn't be able to spend special time with 7 kids..."

N: [long pause ] "I'd rather have 7 dads."

I'll take that to mean that since he has fun with this dad, 7 would be 7x fun or with 7 dads he could have fun all the time with some dads covering while I am away at work or doing the lawn. Yeaaaahh...rather than if he had 7 dads, at least one of them might turn out worth while.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

"Be careful around the very cute girl! She's expensive."

I took the kids to a very active playground and up on the jungle gym/slide apparatus, with kids all buzzing around, Nick was wide eyed and arms spread wide trying to cover a 4ft wide protective circumference around Cheeks. That last phrase was kind of said in a quiet way that kind of tailed off. I may have been the only one to hear it. I think he may have been searching for a different word, like "precious". He, of course, has no idea about adoption investments, and I have no doubt that he would have said the same thing had she been biological. It is wonderful to watch...

Monday, June 06, 2005

"She might be useless, but I still love her."

This pronouncement transpired while sitting next to and staring lovingly into Diane's eyes and surrounded by the entire Kedge family while eating his and his cousin's birthday cake.